N0NJY Amateur Radio


Table of Contents

Beginner's Radio (For the completely uninitiated)
Circumstances Beyond Our Control (What would happen if...meteor!)
Fallout Shelters and Nuclear Information (Setting up a fallout shelter)
Space - The Final Frontier (Musing about Space)
Water Storage at Home (Water storage ideas)

Please note, all of these articles were written many years ago, and though there are URLs in many of them, those links are mostly broken now.  Data comes and goes on the Internet.  So, if you click on a link and it is broken know that in these articles I already know about them, and have been working to "fix" things, but not all data is available any more.

If you happen to know information related to a broken link and can help replace those links send me the information to the email address below, along with your name, and the URL(s) with a subject: Broken Link replacement for <insert article name here>


Please email me at n0njy@qsl.net about broken links, thanks!
All Site material © N0NJY, Rick Donaldson, 1997-2018